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10 Green Gardening Methods That Will Inspire Your Family

Dec 06, 2023

When you start gardening for the first time, you’ll find different kinds of gardening methods that have been developed over the years to suit various needs and preferences. It's like exploring a whole new world of possibilities!

As a parent, involving our kids and family in gardening can be a fantastic way to spend quality time together while teaching them about nature and responsibility.

At Kids Growing City, we're dedicated to cultivating a deep-rooted passion for gardening and environmental stewardship in the hearts of our little ones. That's why we're excited to share the uplifting news about the top 10 gardening methods that are truly making a positive impact.

So, whether you opt for traditional methods or innovative techniques, gardening can be an enriching experience for the whole family.

By exploring these different 10 gardening methods, you can find the perfect fit for your family's needs and create lasting memories together.

Let's dive in!

#1: Hydroponics

Last year, families and homeschoolers like yours embraced hydroponic systems as a sustainable way to grow plants without soil. This innovative method not only conserves water but also allows for year-round gardening, making it an ideal choice for urban families and homeschoolers. And hydroponics could be as complicated as a urban farm facility with technological advanced systems of measurements and fish tanks, and it can also be as simple as a few glasses of water with herb cuttings growing in them. And of course, everything in between.

#2: Vertical Gardening

Vertical gardening became a favorite among families and homeschoolers seeking to maximize limited space. This trend not only creates lush green havens in small areas but also teaches children the importance of resourcefulness and creativity in gardening.

#3: Companion Planting

The concept of companion planting flourished last year, as more families and homeschoolers discovered the benefits of planting compatible crops together. This sustainable practice not only promotes healthy plant growth but also teaches children about the interconnectedness of nature. It can also bring concepts of mono-culture farming, how it hurts the Earth and the alternative, polyculture gardening and how it can not only make the gardeners life easier, but also is good for the planet.

#4: Intercropping

Intercropping gained attention for its ability to maximize space and yield while reducing the need for chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Families and homeschoolers found this method to be an educational way to demonstrate the importance of biodiversity in gardening.

#5: No Dig Gardening

The no-dig gardening, otherwise known as no-till gardening, is an approach that gained popularity for its minimal disturbance to the soil ecosystem, making it an eco-friendly choice for families and homeschoolers looking to cultivate healthy, thriving gardens while minimizing their environmental impact. This one is one of our favorites because it reduces the amount of work we need to do to prep the garden before planting and it's very educational and intriguing because it goes against the conventional ways of gardening!

#6: Seed Saving

Seed saving became a significant trend as families and homeschoolers recognized the value of preserving heirloom and open-pollinated seeds. This practice not only fosters a deeper connection to nature but also empowers children to become stewards of biodiversity. The educational aspects of this trend are enormous as it teaches next generation that they could potentially grow their own food without having to "import" (purchase) seeds into their gardening systems. It teaches them how abundant nature is and how easy it is to harness that abundance.

#7: Container Gardening

Container gardening continued to be a favorite among urban families and homeschoolers, offering a versatile and accessible way to cultivate plants in limited spaces. This approach not only encourages creativity but also instills a sense of responsibility in children as they care for their container gardens. And when combined with methods such as sub-irrigation, the potential for growth exponentially increases.

#8: Hugelkultur

Hugelkultur, a complicated name for a very simple concept, is a sustainable gardening technique that utilizes decaying wood to create raised beds, gained traction for its ability to improve soil fertility and water retention. It's simply put, wood logs that are topped up with soil! Families and homeschoolers embraced this method as a hands-on way to teach children about natural decomposition and soil health. This is also one of the prominent methods used in Permaculture (read about it down below) and its teaching and learning potential for children is huge as it brings to the forefront, discussions about how soil is made in natural forests. Last but not least, this technique increases yield and reduces work so much that it will utterly surprise and delight you!

#9: Moon Garden

The concept of moon gardens, designed with plants that bloom at night, captivated families and homeschoolers seeking to create enchanting outdoor spaces. This innovative approach not only fosters a deeper appreciation for nature but also provides a sensory experience for children to explore after dark.

#10: Permaculture

Permaculture, by far our favorite gardening and farming method, is the art and science of mimicking natural forests into food forests that can feed humans. It has 3 ethics and 12 principles. Its principles continued to inspire families and homeschoolers to design sustainable, self-sufficient ecosystems in their gardens. This holistic approach not only teaches children about the importance of regenerative agriculture but also empowers them to become active participants in creating a greener future.

These green methods have not only transformed the way we garden but have also provided valuable opportunities to educate and engage our children in sustainable practices. As we look ahead, let's continue to nurture these eco-friendly initiatives and inspire the next generation of young gardeners to cultivate a greener, more sustainable future.

Let's grow a greener, brighter future together! ๐ŸŒŽ๐Ÿ’š