FREE ONLINE TRAINING for Elementary Teachers (Grades 3 to 8)

School Gardens with Ease 2024!

You'll get our complete 2-phase plan for growing incredible, producing, and educational school gardens with EASE, including all the practical details, so that you can finally do this with ease and without roadblocks.

We'll cover:

  1. How to grow the most amazing gardens with your class, without
    • Forming a garden committee
    • Organizing volunteers
    • Designing an outdoor garden
    • Worrying about acquiring HUGE funding or even getting approvals for an outdoor space
  2. What to focus on and what things and misguided advice to avoid
  3. How to utilize your TIME, ENERGY, and FUNDS most effectively
  4. How to keep education at the center of your garden so that you can get your students to eagerly do all the growing and LEARN HANDS_ON!
  5. Very specific techniques and my secret tricks so that you don’t even have to do any research to get started!

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School Gardens with Ease 2024!